Monthly Archives: December 2010

Bye bye eZ, welcome Nuxeo !

Last day of november was also my last day working as an eZ Systems employee.

I have decided to go  another way, mostly based on my personal wishes to look at new challenges and also get closer to my many friends in north america. My position as product manager of eZ was not compatible with both of those wishes and I decided to jump in a new fresh position at a new company.

From today I will work for Nuxeo, in a very similar role as what I used to do at eZ, entitled v.p. Product, but in a context that is significantly different. My focus will be to drive and develop the adoption of Nuxeo’s products on the market and to coordinate and support Nuxeo’s product development and marketing efforts to help making them as succesfull as they can be !

Nuxeo is a very promising and interesting company developing a cutting edge ECM software platform (providing Open Source Document Management solutions, but also Digital Asset Management solutions, Case Management solutions and others), thanks to the vision of Nuxeo’s architects and founders when they designed and developed further the platform. Relying on the Java stack was certainly a good pick from a high level point of view (no offense to the LAMP stack that I also love but that I see as a better match for WCM software / Front End applications). More than that, it is on the low level that they have been extremly smart in making the good choices  in the Java Enterprise jungle ! Relying on technologies like OSGI or CMIS, contributing to a number of interesting innovative projects, introducing new services such as Nuxeo Studio or Market Place which are clearly providing added value to architects and developers on top of the open source software, all things that clearly illustrate that vision.

I am very excited by this change for many reasons: refocusing on the ECM world and exploring new fields here, returning to java,  being part of the development of a company that might be one of the next success stories of the ECM market and finally, being a constant traveller between Paris and the US  and many more !

I am still a newcomer when it comes to the Nuxeo Platform but I will learn fast and hopefully share part of what I learn here as well as what we will do next ! Stay tuned if you’re interested.